Our engineering department has been busy solving a productivity issue for some of our customers, with the development of an onboard inclination feedback system.

Operators in extreme hilly areas found they were regularly pulling up on site, going to the trouble of arranging the site and traffic management, setting out dunnage pads, and then deploying the stabilisers, only to find they were unable to level the EWP into the safe operating angle (within 5 degrees of level). They then had to pack up the EWP, relocate the vehicle close by and repeat the process.

Nifty-Lift’s onboard inclination feedback system, displayed on the Enhanced User Interface, assesses the terrain where the vehicle is parked, and gives a simple ‘tick’ or ‘cross’ depending on the incline of the ground, and the ability of the stabilisers to level back into the operating zone. With the press of a button, detailed feedback showing ground incline etc can be found, which can help the driver position the vehicle efficiently without wasting all the time to set up the EWP.

Nifty-Lift has industry leading stabiliser cylinder stroke, giving maximum ability to level the vehicle into the safe operating zone, however often the difference on site can be parking only a metre or two differently to take advantage of the stabiliser stroke to make the machine operable safely.

Having the onboard inclination system on board, coupled with our optional ‘long stroke’ stabilisers and 360 degree poly coated swivel stabiliser feet results in an EWP most capable of operating safely in steep inclines to ensure there is never a job operators can’t access.